XHTML renderer
Field Summary | |
protected static java.lang.String |
protected static java.lang.String |
protected static java.lang.String |
protected static java.lang.String |
Constructor Summary | |
Renderer(RenderableRequestHandler requestHandler)
Method Summary | |
void |
abbreviation(java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String text)
An HTML abbreviation <abbr> |
void |
acronym(java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String text)
An HTML acronym <acronym> |
void |
address(F block)
An HTML address <address> |
void |
address(java.lang.String text)
An HTML address <address> |
void |
anchor(F block,
CallBack action)
An HTML anchor a |
void |
anchor(java.lang.String text,
CallBack action)
An HTML anchor a |
void |
anchorForStaticResource(java.lang.String text,
java.lang.String resource)
Create a link to a static resource (something that is in the class-path) |
void |
anchorOn(java.lang.Object target,
java.lang.String method)
void |
anchorWithLiveBlock(F block,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
anchorWithLiveBlock(java.lang.String preFunc,
F block,
LiveBlock liveBlock,
java.lang.String postFunc)
void |
anchorWithLiveBlock(java.lang.String text,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
area(java.lang.String alternateText,
java.lang.String shape,
java.lang.String coordinates,
CallBack action)
void |
attribute(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Object value)
HTML attribute |
void |
big(java.lang.String text)
An HTML big <big> |
void |
bold(java.lang.String text)
HTML bold text b |
void |
An HTML line break br |
void |
button(F f)
void |
button(F f,
CallBack action)
Beware of IE todo better info here http://channel9.msdn.com/wiki/default.aspx/Channel9.InternetExplorerProgrammingBugs |
void |
caption(java.lang.String text)
An HTML table caption caption |
void |
checkbox(boolean checked,
CallBack action)
An HTML checkbox input type="chekbox" |
void |
checkbox(java.lang.Boolean checked,
CallBack action)
void |
checkboxOn(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
void |
checkboxWithLiveUpdate(boolean checked,
CallBack action,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
circleArea(java.lang.String alternativeText,
int centerX,
int centerY,
int radius,
CallBack action)
void |
cssClass(java.lang.String cssClass)
Set the "class" attribute of the next tag |
protected void |
decorateWithLiveUpdate(java.lang.String eventType,
F block,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
java.lang.Integer |
defaultAction(CallBack action)
java.lang.Integer |
defaultActionOn(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String method)
void |
definitionDescription(F f)
void |
definitionDescription(java.lang.String text)
void |
definitionList(F f)
void |
definitionTerm(F f)
void |
definitionTerm(java.lang.String text)
void |
div(F block)
An HTML div div |
void |
div(java.lang.String text)
An HTML div div |
void |
divNamed(java.lang.String id)
void |
divNamed(java.lang.String id,
Controller controller)
void |
divNamed(java.lang.String id,
F block)
void |
divNamed(java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String text)
void |
divWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass)
void |
divWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass,
F block)
void |
divWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass,
java.lang.String text)
void |
elementId(java.lang.String id)
java.lang.String |
void |
fieldset(F block)
An HTML fieldset fieldset |
void |
fileInput(CallBack action)
void |
form(F block)
An HTML form form |
java.lang.StringBuffer |
protected RenderableRequestHandler |
static java.lang.String |
getStringValue(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
static java.lang.Object |
getValue(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
void |
heading(int level,
F f)
void |
heading(java.lang.String text,
int level)
An HTML heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 |
void |
hidden(java.lang.String value,
CallBack action)
void |
An HTML horizontal rule hr |
java.lang.String |
Emit the XHTML |
void |
image(java.lang.String src,
java.lang.String alternativeText)
An HTML image img |
void |
imageAnchor(java.lang.String image,
java.lang.String alternativeText,
CallBack action)
Image linked with an action |
void |
imageSubmit(java.lang.String src,
java.lang.String alternativeText,
CallBack action)
void |
inlineHeaderScript(java.lang.String script)
void |
inlineScript(java.lang.String script)
protected java.lang.Integer |
input(java.lang.String type,
CallBack action)
An HTML input input |
protected java.lang.Integer |
input(java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String defaultValue,
CallBack action)
An HTML input input |
boolean |
void |
italic(java.lang.String text)
HTML italic text i |
void |
label(java.lang.String forId,
java.lang.String text)
An HTML label label |
void |
labeledControl(java.lang.String labelText,
F f)
void |
legend(java.lang.String text)
An HTML fieldset legend legend |
void |
listItem(F block)
An HTML list item li |
void |
listItem(java.lang.String text)
An HTML list item li |
void |
liveUpdateOnClick(LiveBlock liveBlock,
java.lang.String id)
void |
multiSelect(java.util.Collection options,
java.util.Collection selectedValues,
CallBack action)
void |
multiSelectWithLiveUpdate(java.util.Collection options,
java.util.Collection selectedValues,
CallBack action,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
java.lang.String |
void |
onBack(CallBack action)
void |
orderedList(F block)
An HTML ordered list ol |
void |
paragraph(F block)
An HTML paragraph p |
void |
paragraph(java.lang.String text)
An HTML paragraph p |
void |
password(CallBack action)
An HTML password input type="password" |
void |
password(java.lang.String defaultValue,
CallBack action)
An HTML password input type="password" |
void |
passwordOn(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
Create a password that is backed by model.property |
void |
passwordWithDataOn(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
void |
pre(java.lang.String text)
An HTML pre pre |
void |
radioButton(java.lang.Integer radioButtonGroup,
java.lang.String value,
boolean checked)
java.lang.Integer |
radioButtonGroup(CallBack action)
void |
rectangleArea(java.lang.String alternativeText,
int left,
int top,
int right,
int bottom,
CallBack action)
void |
registerOnLoadFunction(java.lang.String function)
java.lang.String |
registerStaticRequestHandler(java.lang.String name)
void |
render(Controller controller)
void |
renderOnce(java.lang.String token,
F f)
protected java.lang.String |
renderSubexpression(F block)
void |
script(java.lang.String scriptFile)
Include an external javascript file |
void |
select(java.util.Collection options,
java.lang.Object selectedValue,
CallBack action)
An HTML select |
void |
selectOn(java.util.Collection options,
java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
Create a select that is backed by model.property |
void |
selectWithLiveUpdate(java.util.Collection options,
java.lang.Object selectedValue,
CallBack action,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
selectWithLiveUpdateOn(java.util.Collection options,
java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
selectWithLiveUpdateOn(java.lang.String preFunc,
java.util.Collection options,
java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property,
LiveBlock liveBlock,
java.lang.String postFunc)
void |
setCharset(java.lang.String charset)
void |
setIe7ScriptEnabled(boolean ie7ScriptEnabled)
void |
shortcutIcon(java.lang.String iconUrl)
void |
small(F block)
void |
small(java.lang.String text)
HTML small text small |
void |
An HTML non breaking space |
void |
span(F block)
void |
span(java.lang.String text)
An HTML span span |
void |
spanNamed(java.lang.String id,
F block)
void |
spanNamed(java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String text)
void |
spanWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass,
F block)
void |
spanWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass,
java.lang.String text)
void |
strong(java.lang.String text)
HTML strong text s |
void |
styleSheet(java.lang.String styleSheet)
Include an external stylesheet |
void |
submit(java.lang.String name,
CallBack action)
An HTML submit button input type="submit" |
void |
table(F block)
An HTML table table |
void |
tableBody(F block)
An HTML table body section tbody |
void |
tableData(F block)
An HTML table data td |
void |
tableData(java.lang.String text)
An HTML table data td |
void |
tableFooter(F block)
An HTML table footer section tfoot |
void |
tableHead(F block)
An HTML table head section thead |
void |
tableHead(java.lang.String[] headings)
void |
tableHeading(F block)
An HTML table heading th |
void |
tableHeading(java.lang.String text)
An HTML table heading th |
void |
tableRow(F block)
An HTML table row tr |
void |
tableRowSpan(int columns,
F block)
void |
protected void |
tag(java.lang.String tag)
void |
text(java.lang.String value)
Plain text |
void |
textArea(java.lang.String defaultValue,
CallBack action)
Deprecated. Rows and Cols are required attributes. |
void |
textArea(java.lang.String defaultValue,
int rows,
int cols,
CallBack action)
An HTML text area textarea |
void |
textAreaOn(int rows,
int cols,
java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
Create a textarea that is backed by model.property |
void |
textAreaOn(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
Create a textarea that is backed by model.property |
void |
textInput(java.lang.String defaultValue,
CallBack action)
An HTML text input input type="text" |
void |
textInputOn(java.lang.Object model,
java.lang.String property)
Create a text input that is backed by model.property |
void |
textInputWithAutocomplete(CallBack action,
AutocompleteBlock autocompleteBlock)
void |
textInputWithCallBack(CallBack action,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
textInputWithCallBack(java.lang.String initialValue,
CallBack action,
LiveBlock liveBlock)
void |
title(java.lang.String title)
An HTML page title title |
void |
unorderedList(java.util.Collection options)
An HTML unordered list ul |
void |
unorderedList(F block)
An HTML unordered list ul |
void |
unregisterRequestHandler(java.lang.String uri)
void |
urlAnchor(java.lang.String url,
F block)
void |
urlAnchor(java.lang.String url,
java.lang.String text)
void |
urlImageAnchor(java.lang.String url,
java.lang.String image,
java.lang.String alternativeText)
protected void |
wrapTag(java.lang.String tag,
F block)
protected void |
wrapTag(java.lang.String tag,
java.lang.String value)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
protected static final java.lang.String ON_CHANGE
protected static final java.lang.String ON_KEY_PRESS
protected static final java.lang.String ON_CLICK
protected static final java.lang.String ON_BLUR
Constructor Detail |
public Renderer(RenderableRequestHandler requestHandler)
Method Detail |
public void abbreviation(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String text)
- advisory title/amplificationtext
- public void acronym(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String text)
- advisory title/amplificationtext
- content of the tagpublic void address(java.lang.String text)
- content of the tagpublic void address(F block)
- content of the tagpublic void area(java.lang.String alternateText, java.lang.String shape, java.lang.String coordinates, CallBack action)
public void circleArea(java.lang.String alternativeText, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, CallBack action)
public void rectangleArea(java.lang.String alternativeText, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, CallBack action)
public void big(java.lang.String text)
- content of the tagpublic void pre(java.lang.String text)
- content of the tagpublic void form(F block)
- public void fieldset(F block)
- public void legend(java.lang.String text)
- public void div(F block)
- public void div(java.lang.String text)
- the content of the labelpublic void label(java.lang.String forId, java.lang.String text)
- the content of the labelpublic void table(F block)
- public void tableHead(F block)
- public void tableHead(java.lang.String[] headings)
public void tableBody(F block)
- public void tableFooter(F block)
- public void tableRow(F block)
- public void tableRowSpan(int columns, F block)
public void tableSpacerRow()
public void tableHeading(java.lang.String text)
- the content of the heading cellpublic void tableHeading(F block)
- public void tableData(java.lang.String text)
- the content of the data cellpublic void tableData(F block)
- public void caption(java.lang.String text)
- the content of the captionpublic void unorderedList(F block)
- public void unorderedList(java.util.Collection options)
- to include in this listpublic void orderedList(F block)
- public void listItem(java.lang.String text)
- public void listItem(F block)
- public void heading(java.lang.String text, int level)
- level
- public void heading(int level, F f)
public void bold(java.lang.String text)
- to boldpublic void strong(java.lang.String text)
- to strongpublic void italic(java.lang.String text)
- to italicizepublic void small(java.lang.String text)
- that should be rendered smallpublic void small(F block)
public void span(java.lang.String text)
- public void span(F block)
public void paragraph(java.lang.String text)
- public void paragraph(F block)
- public void br()
public void horizontalRule()
public void space()
public void styleSheet(java.lang.String styleSheet)
- public void shortcutIcon(java.lang.String iconUrl)
public void inlineScript(java.lang.String script)
public void inlineHeaderScript(java.lang.String script)
public void script(java.lang.String scriptFile)
- public void title(java.lang.String title)
public void text(java.lang.String value)
- public void image(java.lang.String src, java.lang.String alternativeText)
- alternativeText
- public void textArea(java.lang.String defaultValue, CallBack action)
- the value to display in the form elementaction
- callback to be made when a form is submittedpublic void textArea(java.lang.String defaultValue, int rows, int cols, CallBack action)
- the value to display in the form elementrows
- height of the text areacols
- width of the textareaaction
- callback to be made when a form is submittedpublic void textInput(java.lang.String defaultValue, CallBack action)
- the value to display in the form elementaction
- callback to be made when a form is submittedpublic void fileInput(CallBack action)
public void password(CallBack action)
- callback to be made when a form is submittedpublic void password(java.lang.String defaultValue, CallBack action)
- callback to be made when a form is submittedpublic void submit(java.lang.String name, CallBack action)
- the text the button displaysaction
- callback to be made when a form is submittedpublic void imageSubmit(java.lang.String src, java.lang.String alternativeText, CallBack action)
public void button(F f, CallBack action)
- action
- public void button(F f)
protected java.lang.Integer input(java.lang.String type, CallBack action)
- the type of inputaction
- callback to be made when a form is submitted
protected java.lang.Integer input(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String defaultValue, CallBack action)
- the type of inputdefaultValue
- the value to display in the form elementaction
- callback to be made when a form is submitted
public java.lang.Integer defaultAction(CallBack action)
public java.lang.Integer defaultActionOn(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String method)
public void onBack(CallBack action)
public void anchor(java.lang.String text, CallBack action)
- the text of the anchoraction
- callback to be made when the anchor is clickedpublic void anchor(F block, CallBack action)
- the inner html of the anchoraction
- callback to be made when the anchor is clickedpublic void anchorOn(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String method)
public void urlAnchor(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String text)
public void urlAnchor(java.lang.String url, F block)
public void anchorForStaticResource(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String resource)
- resource
- public void select(java.util.Collection options, java.lang.Object selectedValue, CallBack action)
- the text of options option. The option may optionally implement Selectable for name/value pairsselectedValue
- the selected optionaction
- callback to be made when the anchor is clickedpublic void hidden(java.lang.String value, CallBack action)
public void multiSelect(java.util.Collection options, java.util.Collection selectedValues, CallBack action)
public void checkbox(boolean checked, CallBack action)
- callback to be made when the form is submittedpublic void checkbox(java.lang.Boolean checked, CallBack action)
public java.lang.Integer radioButtonGroup(CallBack action)
public void radioButton(java.lang.Integer radioButtonGroup, java.lang.String value, boolean checked)
public void anchorWithLiveBlock(java.lang.String text, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void liveUpdateOnClick(LiveBlock liveBlock, java.lang.String id)
protected RenderableRequestHandler getRequestHandler()
public void anchorWithLiveBlock(F block, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void anchorWithLiveBlock(java.lang.String preFunc, F block, LiveBlock liveBlock, java.lang.String postFunc)
public void textInputWithCallBack(CallBack action, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void textInputWithCallBack(java.lang.String initialValue, CallBack action, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void selectWithLiveUpdate(java.util.Collection options, java.lang.Object selectedValue, CallBack action, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void selectWithLiveUpdateOn(java.lang.String preFunc, java.util.Collection options, java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property, LiveBlock liveBlock, java.lang.String postFunc)
public void selectWithLiveUpdateOn(java.util.Collection options, java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void multiSelectWithLiveUpdate(java.util.Collection options, java.util.Collection selectedValues, CallBack action, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void checkboxWithLiveUpdate(boolean checked, CallBack action, LiveBlock liveBlock)
protected void decorateWithLiveUpdate(java.lang.String eventType, F block, LiveBlock liveBlock)
public void textInputWithAutocomplete(CallBack action, AutocompleteBlock autocompleteBlock)
public void divWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass)
public void divWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass, java.lang.String text)
public void divWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass, F block)
public void divNamed(java.lang.String id)
public void divNamed(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String text)
public void divNamed(java.lang.String id, F block)
public void divNamed(java.lang.String id, Controller controller)
public void spanNamed(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String text)
public void spanNamed(java.lang.String id, F block)
public void spanWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass, java.lang.String text)
public void spanWithClass(java.lang.String cssClass, F block)
public void textInputOn(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
- property
- public void passwordOn(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
- property
- public void passwordWithDataOn(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
public void textAreaOn(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
- property
- public void textAreaOn(int rows, int cols, java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
- Height of the textareacols
- Width of the textareamodel
- property
- public void selectOn(java.util.Collection options, java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
- property
- public void checkboxOn(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
public void imageAnchor(java.lang.String image, java.lang.String alternativeText, CallBack action)
- Image URLalternativeText
- action
- public void urlImageAnchor(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String image, java.lang.String alternativeText)
public void definitionList(F f)
public void definitionTerm(java.lang.String text)
public void definitionTerm(F f)
public void definitionDescription(java.lang.String text)
public void definitionDescription(F f)
public void labeledControl(java.lang.String labelText, F f)
public void cssClass(java.lang.String cssClass)
- public java.lang.String ensureId()
public java.lang.String nextId()
public void elementId(java.lang.String id)
public void render(Controller controller)
public java.lang.String html()
public void attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
- Attribute name (e.g., colspan)value
- Attribute value (e.g., 2)public java.lang.StringBuffer getBody()
protected void wrapTag(java.lang.String tag, F block)
protected void wrapTag(java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String value)
protected void tag(java.lang.String tag)
public void setCharset(java.lang.String charset)
protected java.lang.String renderSubexpression(F block)
public static java.lang.String getStringValue(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
public static java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.Object model, java.lang.String property)
public void unregisterRequestHandler(java.lang.String uri)
public java.lang.String registerStaticRequestHandler(java.lang.String name)
public void renderOnce(java.lang.String token, F f)
public boolean isIe7ScriptEnabled()
public void setIe7ScriptEnabled(boolean ie7ScriptEnabled)
public void registerOnLoadFunction(java.lang.String function)